After a short night in the night train to Nanjing the alarm sounded early. We switched to the bullet train with a top speed of 300 km/h. It was a bit hard to find the correct platform, but luckily we found the correct platform exactly on time.

After we arrived in Changzhou, some breakfast was enjoyed on the station before getting to the bus. Two company visits were planned. First we headed to SKLSSL, State Key Laboratory of Solid State Lighting Changzhou base. We were welcomed by Dr. JiaJie Fan, who was really enthusiastic about his research. Some questions, about for example the efficiency, were professionally avoided. Still a lot of information was given. We were able to see some products they made. They forgot to mention that they arranged a fancy lunch, so we had two lunches.

After the lunch we got to Wuxi where AWL is situated. Here we got lunch again. We had a warm welcome by Janrens and Dr. Guo, managing director of AWL China. We had a tour on the shop floor where the machines were built and tested. Always nice to see welding robots moving in such machines.

We were dropped in front of the hotel by the bus. We stayed for one night in the Somerset Harmony City Wuxi, where we had some sort of apartment. Including a washing machine! Time to get some clean clothes.

An extensive dinner wasn’t needed as a result of the double lunch. So we went to a local restaurant and ordered some dishes. A special table was prepared so we were able to sit with all 13 together. After diner we played some jianzi in front of the hotel. The evening was closed with a beer in the living room of Michel and Raymond on the 15th floor.